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Super mechs hacked money and tokens whithout signing up

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Kamandi could hear the painful breathing of his friend even from the door flap. There was Canus, crumbled into a ball at the center of the tent, chained from his neck to a metal pole sticking from the ground. He finally arrived at the back flap of the tent and pushed it aside, revealing to him one of the worst images that he would ever see. With each step, he could hear the chatter of the animals as they sat by the fire, the smell of cooked meat drifting through the air and making Kamandi's mouth water. Gingerly, Kamandi approached the tent outside of the circle, knowing that it would be the place that held Canus. All that he had wanted right then was to get his friend to safety. He had not travelled out of the cave to bring the book personally the creatures. Knowing of animal's increased sense of hearing, Kamandi had taken off any extra clothing that would have made too much noise as well as his backpack. There were five tents in all four arranged in a circle with a fire pit at the center of them and one slightly away from them, still in light of the fire. Kamandi had found the camp no problem, even after Canus' howls of pain had faded away. He takes a heavy breath and then slumps down to the ground. The boy smiles as he seems them gallop away. He watches as they stop halfway down as they try to find their next point of pursuit, deciding to follow down another side street on a hunch. Kamandi continues to breathe rapidly until all four of the creatures pass his building and continue on down the street. They all pass by the boy without any of them knowing that their prey is watching idly by, their blood lust driving them away from many senses of reason. Only his long snout and tail seem in proportion to the rest of the body. His long torso seems extremely out of proportion to his short legs and arms, which need a longer rein and shorter stirrups to maneuver the horse.


He is green, with scaly skin and a body that clearly was not made to ride a horse. Finally, the last creature in the hunting pack is the strangest that Kamandi has ever seen.

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Even from on top of the building, the boy can still see the creature's fangs snarl as he pursues his already lost prey. The creature is not unlike a dog, he realizes, except for his sharper features and grey fur. The creature behind the orange cat grabs Kamandi's attention the most however. The cat's red robes bellow loosely in the wind as he tries to keep up with his commander. A gorilla, dressed in what Kamandi can only guess to be military armor, leads the hunting pack, followed closely behind by the bright orange cat that had first captured Canus. He watches them closely, seeing some of them for the first time. The boy watches from his new perch as the riders hastily hurry down the newly deserted street, looking for any signs of Kamandi's fleeing blond locks. With a renewed burst of energy, Kamandi quickly races up the scaffolding until he finds himself at the top of the building, just in time as the horses and their riders reach the street. He jumps as high as he can and grabs a hold of the ladder, hoisting himself up and onto the scaffolding. The boy breathes a sigh of relief when he suddenly spots the rusted, but still usable, remains of a metal ladder, leading up to rows of metal scaffoldings connected to a building. With a quick glance, Kamandi spots a side street and quickly runs down it. He hears the sound of horses' hooves traveling swiftly in pursuit of him down the street, their sounds reverberating off of the building walls. He moves as quickly as he can through the labyrinth of ivy-covered cars, recognizing them based on the tales told to him by Canus.


His feet stomp loudly against the cracked pavement, bushing past overgrown weeds and flowers that have pushed their way through the road. Kamandi can feel the heart thumping in his chest as he runs down the weed infested road.

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